Hot Nights Lights Parade

July and August are the hottest months of the year in Las Cruces, New Mexico. Temperatures during the day rise well above 110 degrees, and at nine at night it is not uncommon for it to be ninety degrees. Therefore, the City of Las Cruces provides a wide variety of outdoor activities during the evening. One of those events is the Lights Parade. 

I turned off the lights so you can see better. Let's enjoy the parade. 

Naturally, we start off with the color guard. 

There was a marching band from the high school, and some creative citizens that made the parade both colorful, and enjoyable. 

The floats were all greeted with enthusiastic applause from the curbside.

All the law enforcement agencies were on hand. In Las Cruces that is saying a lot because there are four agencies stationed within the city limits. There is the Las Cruces Police Department, the Dona Ana Sheriff's Department, the New Mexico State Police, and the United States Border Patrol. All were represented in the parade.

And the Fire Department and Emergency Rescue agencies were on hand as well. 

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